hurricane gustave - for those that don't know i am from louisiana - outside of new orleans to be specific. katrina hit my family hard altho they were all luckier than ALOT of folks down there. well now gustav is headed directly at them again it seems. my mom and one aunt are staying put - they live in lafourche parish - raceland/thibodaux area to be specific if you watch things unfold. another aunt and my cousins in new orleans have already evacuated. my cousin has only just recovered from katrina. so keep me in your prayers and know that i will likely be fairly tense this week. the emotional tole of watching what katrina did to "my town" and "my people" was really difficult....
next item of business - fighting hunger!! my friend mary jo is participating in a hunger walk. her goal is to raise $1000!! we can help!!! not only that but everyone who donates is entered in a drawing for a HUGE prize mary jo is giving away too - check it out here
and now some fun stuff.

first up is this FUN little bookmark pattern posted over on the scrapping friends msn group i have been thoroughly enjoying. it came from this blog.
i printed it out and then copied it at 50% so mine are tiny:
PERFECT for some little studio Gs! the purple-y-green one is a leftover scrap from some reinker smooshing i did that you may remember. i experimented with varying the edge design too. these are just too fun and easy. i have a few more cut out and waiting for some dressing up...
next up is a 2-pager i did of pezzy at the playground. did another banadana technique piece - and let me just take a moment to encourage you to check out technique junkies where i got the idea/instructions. seriously one of the best little investments i have made hee hee!!!
so the background piece was SOOOO easy - just used two versamagic dew drops and smeared them on directly to the paper. then, because these inks dry a bit slower, i took my foam ink blending tool and rubbed them into each other really well - that ink just blends so beautifully! the white is my inkssentials pen.
the kids playing are from a ctmh stamp set and colored with copics. the grassy areas are some really cool stuff called flower soft in two colors {thanks cat!!} - i used glossy accents to stick it on which works really well - good for doodlebug flock too!
the tree area was another one of those silly little inkadinkado clear sets i found while stocking their holidays sets. it has all sorts of bits and pieces to make up different sorts of trees. do you see the little bird and nest - hee heee i love cute & tiny!!! the super cool font i used for the journaling was the weekly freebie over on scrapping friends - LOVE it!!
still working on some excitig changes over on the website - cross your fingers and i should have the big announcement ready by tomorrow so STAY TUNED!!!!!